The one thing you can’t afford to be when you are young (in age or spirit) is be content with life.

content, as in accepting whatever life has to offer you. content, as in refusing to rise to the level of your ambitions. content, as in giving in to the conventional ways of society.

I see a lot of young people who appear to have given up on the dreams and aspirations of their childhood.

They tend to suppress and hide them as they grow older and lose their childlike spirit.

They pretend to no longer hear the voice of their dreams, the gleam of which you would have seen in their eyes as a little child.

”Where did you lose that glitter of yours?”

“Was it too unreal to even manifest a tiny version of it?

“Was it simply easier to let it slide under the highs and lows of adulthood?”

“Do you think the pain of regret would be less than the pain of manifesting your dreams?”

Or “are you simply naive enough to consider any of the above or others as an excuse to never escape the mediocrity that is so common?”

I beg you to not let that potential (the ability to do good and be useful) of yours go untapped.

Do not let that dream of yours go gentle into that one life you’ve been bestowed with.

Give it your all and go all in.

Let the world have an opportunity to see the fruits of your endeavors.

Not because you believe it to be worthwhile, but because you tried to be useful to people around you and the world in your own unique way.

And that, my friend, will be the greatest adventure you can ever set yourself on.